New Partnership

The Florida Institute for National Security (FINS) is proud to announce that it recently joined forces with Domino Data Labs (DDL). The FINS-DDL partnership will accelerate FINS’s engagement in government and federally sponsored research initiatives that advance FINS’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives and address topics of national concern with AI and data science-centered solutions.

Domino Data Labs specializes in providing a highly collaborative, dynamic, and customizable unified MLOps Platform for synching the end-to-end data science lifecycle that employs a variety of reliable and familiar tools across a hybrid multicloud infrastructure. Through this unique partnership, DDL and FINS will jointly pursue research funding opportunities that enable both entities to fully leverage and combine (and thus maximize) their expertise for synergistic results. Further, the Domino platform and its extended ecosystem will reinforce FINS AI and data science research activities to develop, deploy, transfer, and maintain AI tools.

Get to know more about our new collaborator by visiting their website: