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Faculty Member Damon Woodard

Damon Woodard

Director, Professor – Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Department

(352) 273-2130

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Damon Woodard

Research Interests:

Applied Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Biometrics; Computer Vision; Natural Language Processing

Faculty Member Domenic Forte

Domenic Forte

Associate Director, Steven A. Yatauro Faculty Fellow, Professor – ECE


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Domenic Forte

Research Interests:

Traditional & AI-Enabled CAD/EDA Tools for Hardware Security; Microelectronics Supply Chain Security & Assurance: Semiconductor IP Protection; Counterfeit Electronics Detection & Avoidance; Hardware Trojan Detection & Prevention; Reverse Engineering & Anti-Reverse Engineering; Hardware Security Benchmarking; Countermeasures Against Physical Attacks; Hardware Security Primitives; Biometrics.


Faculty Member Warren Dixon

Warren Dixon

Dean’s Leadership Professor and Chair of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department

(352) 846-1463

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Warren Dixon

Research Interests:

Artificial Intelligence; Sustained Deep Learning; Reinforcement Learning; Concurrent Learning; Assured Autonomy; Nonlinear and Adaptive Control; Robotics.

Faculty Member Sid Dobrin

Sid Dobrin

Director of Trace Innovation Initiative, Professor and Chair of English (ENG) Department

(352) 294-2868

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Sid Dobrin

Research Interests:

Protein security (from a national security perspective); Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities; Relationships between writing and emerging technologies–such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) Applications, and Contemporary Digital & Visual/Screen Culture. 

Named Digital Thought Leader by Adobe.

Faculty Member Bonnie J. Dorr

Bonnie J. Dorr

Professor & Director of Natural Language Processing Research Laboratory – Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Department

(352) 273-4045

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Bonnie J. Dorr

Research Interests:

Artificial Intelligence; Natural Language Processing; CyberNLP (at the cross-section of cyber security and natural language processing); Multilingual Processing; Social Computing; Human-Centered Computing.

Faculty Member Natalie Ebner

Natalie Ebner

Professor & Director of the Social-Cognitive & Affective Development (Ebner) Lab – Psychology (Psych) Department

(203) 691-0371

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Natalie Ebner

Research Interests:

Usable Security; Social Engineering; Phishing Attacks; Cuing developers about security blind spots in APIs; Aging and the Human Brain.

Faculty Member James Fairbanks

James Fairbanks

Assistant Professor & Director of GATAS Lab – MAE

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James Fairbanks

Research Interests:

Applied Category Theory; Concurrency, Database; Data Science & Informatics; Graph Algorithms & Analytics; Numerical Methods; Parallelism & High-Performance Computing; Programming Languages; Scientific Computing & Data Science;  Mathematical Modeling; and Combinatorial Algorithms.

Faculty Member Jie Fu

Jie Fu

Assistant Professor – ECE

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Jie Fu

Research Interests:

Machine Learning; Intelligent & Semi-intelligent Autonomous Systems; Integration of Control Theory; Cyber-Security, Cyber-physical Systems; Game-theoretic Design of Provably Correct Autonomous Systems.

Faculty Member Daniel A. Hahn

Daniel A. Hahn

Professor & Associate Department Chair for Evolutionary Physiology – Entomology & Nematology (EntNem) Department

(352) 273-3968

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Daniel A. Hahn

Research Interests:

Ecological and Evolutionary Psychology; Rapid Adaptation; Phenotypic Plasticity; Seasonal Biology of Insects; Pest Control.

Faculty Member Kyle Cameron Hartig

Kyle Cameron Hartig

Associate Professor – Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) Department

(202) 270-4721

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Kyle Cameron Hartig

Research Interests:

Remote Sensing; Radiation Hard Electronics; Machine Learning; Nuclear Nonproliferation/Counterproliferation; Nuclear Security; Nuclear Policy.

Faculty Member Amanda Hodges

Amanda Hodges

Professor & Lab Director for the Biosecurity Research & Extension (BRE) Lab and the Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM) Program – EntNem

(352) 273-3957

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Amanda Hodges

Research Interests:

Biosecurity; Invasive Species; Integrated Plant Medicine; Entomology; Nematology.

Faculty Member Jim Hoover

Jim Hoover

Clinical Professor, Director of Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Center – Marketing (MKTG) Department

(352) 294-0410

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Jim Hoover

Research Interests:

Forecasting; Implementations of AI with Business Applications; Methods for teaching AI and Machine Learning; and Privacy related to AI, Machine Learning and Big Data

Faculty Member William Imboden

William Imboden

Professor & Director of Hamilton Center

(352) 273-3040

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William Imboden

Research Interests:

History and processes of the National Security Council system; American presidency; the Cold War; history and statecraft; and religion and international affairs.

Faculty Member Christopher McCarty

Christopher McCarty

Associate Dean at College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS), Director of UF Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR), Lead for BEBR’s Social Network Analysis (SNA) Group’s Partnership with UF Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) Collaboration – Anthro

(352) 392-0171

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Christopher McCarty

Research Interests:

AI and Cognitive Science; Social Network Analysis; Personal Network Analysis; Collaboration Networks; Acculturation; Disasters; Survey Research.

Faculty Member Connie Mulligan

Connie Mulligan

Professor and Director of the Human Genetics in Anthropology Lab – Anthro

(352) 273-8092

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Connie Mulligan

Research Interests:

Human Genetics; Population History; Epigenetics; Microbiome Variation; Complex Phenotypes; Biocultural Investigation & Perspectives; Impact of Psychological Stress; Risk & Resilience; Origin and Spread of Human Disease and Human Pathogens; Human Evolution & Adaptation.

Faculty Member Duncan Purves

Duncan Purves

Associate Professor, UF Research Foundation – Philosophy (Phil) Department

(352) 294-0426

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Duncan Purves

Research Interests:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Predictive Policing; Ethics of AI; Ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems.

Faculty Member Erik Sander

Erik Sander

Michael Durham Executive Director of the University of Florida Engineering Innovation Institute

(352) 392-7047

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Erik Sander

Areas of Expertise:

Aerospace Engineering; Defense; Mechanical Engineering; Nanobiotechnology; Business Development and Entrepreneurship; Technology Development; Engineering Ethics and Communication.

Faculty Member Sonja Schmer-Galunder

Sonja Schmer-Galunder

Professor of Practice, Glenn and Deborah Renwick Leadership Professor in AI and Ethics – CISE

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Sonja Schmer-Galunder

Research Interests:

Social Science, Value Alignment, AI Ethics, Responsible AI, Collective Intelligence, ML Bias, NLP and LLMs, Cultural Modeling, Prosocial Discourse and Moderation, Human-AI Teaming and Team Performance in extreme environments 

Faculty Member David S. Siroky

David S. Siroky

Professor and Director of the Violence, Conflict, and Security Lab – Political Science (Poli Sci) Department

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David S. Siroky

Research Interests:

International Relations; Big Data and Machine Learning;
Separatist and Irredentist Nationalism; Insurgency and Counterinsurgency; Eastern Europe and Eurasia Political Relations

Faculty Member Ben Smith

Ben Smith

Professor, Interim Director of the Center for Global Islamic Studies – Poli Sci

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Ben Smith

Research Interests:

Research Methods for Qualitative & Quantitative Causal Inference; Politics of Resource Wealth; Ethnic Politics of Nationalist Mobilization and Ethnic Violence; Regime Change and Regime Transitions

Faculty Member Daisy Zhe Wang

Daisy Zhe Wang

Associate Professor, Arnold and Lisa Goldberg Rising Star Professor, Director of Data Science Research Lab (DSR) – CISE

(352) 294-6677

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Daisy Zhe Wang

Research Interests:

Machine Learning; Database, Data Science and Informatics; Probabilistic Databases; Probabilistic Knowledge Bases; Large-scale Inference Engines; Query-driven Interactive Machine Learning; Crowd Assisted Machine Learning.

Faculty Member Yu Wang

Yu Wang

Assistant Professor, Director of Smart Autonomy Lab – MAE

(352) 846-3599

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Yu Wang

Research Interests:

Autonomy; Cyber-physical Systems; Security & Privacy; Machine Learning; Formal Methods.

Faculty Member Gregory Webster

Gregory Webster

R. David Thomas Endowed Professor of Psychology, Director of Web Lab – Psych

(303) 895-7312

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Gregory Webster

Research Interests:

Personality Measurement and Judgment; Multilevel Modelling; Social, Romantic, and Sexual Relationships; Meta-Analysis; Social Network Analysis; Judgments about Rare Events (e.g., Hurricanes).

Faculty Member Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson

Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director – CISE

(352) 294-6678

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Joe Wilson

Research Interests:

Information Security; Machine Learning; Programming Languages; Cybersecurity; Design of Malware-ready Programs; Detection and remediation of land mines and other unexploded buried hazards.

Faculty Member Ronald Wilson

Ronald Wilson

Research Assistant Professor – ECE

(352) 226-3445

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Ronald Wilson

Research Interests:

Hardware Assurance on ICs; Stylometry and Psycholinguistics for Identity Sciences; Machine Learning; Computer Vision; Natural Language Processing.

Faculty Member Xiang (Jacob) Yan

Xiang (Jacob) Yan

Professor & Director of the Just Green Transportation Lab – Civil & Coastal Engineering Department, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)

(352) 294-7770

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Xiang (Jacob) Yan

Research Interests:

Using data science and artificial intelligence (Machine Learning) to make transportation more equitable and sustainable; Bridging transportation engineering; Data Science & Urban Planning; Machine Learning & AI; Spatial Big Data; Public Transport & Shared Mobility; Travel Behavior; Transport Equality; Spatial Accessibility; Transportation & Community Resilience.

Faculty Member Alina Zare

Alina Zare

Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Facilities, and Director of the Machine Learning and Sensing Lab – ECE

(352) 273-2604

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Alina Zare

Research Interests:

Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Remote Sensing; Artificial Intelligence; Image Processing.


Faculty Member Didem Pehlivanoglu

Didem Pehlivanoglu

Postdoctoral Research Associate

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Didem Pehlivanoglu

Research Interests:

Cognitive Aging; Affective Neuroscience; Judgment and Decision Making; Deception; Misinformation; Neural Network Modeling.

Serves as an investigator on a project focusing on application of a neural network modeling approach on the ability to detect deceptive messages (e.g., fake news).