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Artificial Science Intelligence for Automating Scientific Modeling

The explosive growth of diversified data has reaped unprecedented advancements in scientific discovery and engineering. Unfortunately, it is difficult to relate data from one problem to another without a unified approach to the mathematics of scientific modeling. FINS researcher James Fairbanks takes a radical approach to scientific computing that applies category theory to mathematically model mathematics itself. This novel  approach is the foundation of the software for diverse scientific applications including space weather forecasting to protect satellite communications, and the hierarchical analysis and control of immunology and epidemics. Both areas are of vital interest to the science portfolio of DARPA, the research and development agency of the Department of Defense (DoD). FINS uses category theory, a mathematical language developed to unify the diverse fields and subfields of mathematics, to create a software ecosystem that unifies the various fields and subfields of computational science and engineering. Dr. Fairbanks’ team specializes in taking this lofty abstract language and implementing concrete software packages that solve real-world problems for stakeholders.